Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Work In Progress

Well, as some of you may already know, I am new to  this blogging era. Here is my first piece of work, in progress. I would like to produce a magnificent article that wow's and energizes you, one that has you wanting to check back in to see what's next. This probably won't happen, but that's okay, I got you to at least take a look at this one. 

I really have my youngest sister, Trisha Trixie to thank for this marvelous expedition into the www. She has shown  faith in my abilities from a technological standpoint since she first ventured out into her own company online. 

It is from this experience, her hiring me to do her content editing, that I have developed a love and interest into the tech world. I was recently recruited to provide content to her blog:

That was all it took. A few blog posts later had me wanting to create and fortify my own personal blog as well. So, with a little mixing of the minds between Trisha and me, I am on my way. :)

Please be sure to add your comments, good/bad/or otherwise. I always appreciate input and constructive criticism that is not harsh.

Remember though, this is 



  1. I've never been much into blogs...don't have one myself, but it's always nice to see one that is well thought out, and not rambling diatribes as some seem to be. Good luck on your blog...I'll be checking in from time to time :)

    1. Thanks Eric! Look forward to hearing your input "from time to time". :D


Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Please feel free to comment, encourage, or suggest with "constructive criticism". I look forward to your feedback. Thanks again! Corrina L. Hunter