Thursday, December 20, 2012

Love Always Wins~~WHY I KEEP TRYING

My daughter and I combined households a few years back and it has been amazingly wonderful. You see, everyone who knew us was sure it would be a disaster. She and I are quite alike. In fact, so much so that during her teen years, in an argument with her, I shouted "I cannot win an argument against myself so I don't know why I keep trying!" Well, here is the success story of my efforts.

Everyone has amazing kids. We all adore our children. Families are wonderful. My story, I feel, is exceptional. But don't write me off just yet. Read on and decide for yourself.

In January of 2007 I was diagnosed with severely sensitive asthma. Not chemical sensitivity. Not allergies. ASTHMA. Plain and not-so-simple. I had suffered from flu, sinus infection, head cold, bronchitis, pneumonia and never seemed to recover my breath. So I had to see specialists to determine what was going on.

We, my daughter & I, lived in Grant City, MO. I had no vehicle. So my daughter, Lenise was left to assist me as my boys lived quite far away. Her car was not reliable and numerous trips to Kansas City for testing resulted in too many near misses with asthma attacks during the trip. The exhaust from vehicles, smoke from fires and other things were not filtered out as her car had no recirculate. Also, it was prone to break down.

This scared us both as the trips were necessary, Well, she had really been needing more reliable transportation anyway so we eventually combined households and helped each other so that she could purchase a new car that was safe for me to travel in. The next few tens-of-thousands of miles were used in seeking medical care for me. (sure we had issues with my breathing from all the gunk in the new car, but that is another story altogether)

Now here we are, December of 2012. Through many trials and errors we have learned how best for me to keep safe. Lenise is ever conscious of risk factors and so am I. We've learned the hard way. The cold winter air is risky for anyone with respiratory issues; but ever more so here as I have a few bad experiences with scraping frost, ice, &/or snow. With this in mind my daughter purchased a windshield cover for her new car that I drive so that I do not have to stand in the cold and scrape the window, risking a severe asthma attack.

Now, with the snows and even colder temperatures here she has a new fear. The extremes are too much for me for more than a couple of minutes. So today she says to me: "Mom, please, I don't want you outside in the mornings trying to remove snow or ice from the car. Please wake me so I can get it for you" (Tears of the reality of how loving my girl is well up in my eyes) You have no idea. My daughter works mostly nights, not getting home or supper until almost midnight. She also suffers from Chronic Fatigue and Insomnia so she really needs to stay sleeping when she does go to bed! Another thing, I LEAVE FOR WORK AROUND 6:00 am. If this doesn't make sense why I find it so amazing, don't ask. You either get it or you don't . I get it. SHE LOVES HER MOMMY! She loves me so much she's willing to make all of these sacrifices for MY WELL BEING; not hers.

This pulls, rips, tugs, yanks, tears at my heart-strings. I feel my heart swelling within me at the enormity of her love. I just had to post this to a blog. Things this wonderful don't come along just anywhere. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY DAUGHTER. LENISE SCOTT! I love you baby.
