Saturday, August 25, 2012

Verbal Bash/Emotional Crash (The saga continues)

There are actually so many things vying for my attention, begging to be written about that it's been difficult to find a starting point. Alas, as with all things, I have to start somewhere. Here we go then...Nameless and Clueless are no strangers to personal issues and their own issues are impeding on their ability to function properly.

Let me back that up just a little bit. See, these two unwitting participants of my cranial workings had another Verbal Bash. However, this time the Emotional Crash was much more severe than before. The Crash wrecked beyond the typical anger, hostility, and aggravation; it wrecked to the point of embitterment, hopelessness, devastation and defeat.

There were other exchanges that occurred since our last visit with the two parties. Once again Nameless attacked Clueless. Once again Clueless was, well...clueless, shocked, angry.

Clueless lashed back at Nameless with vehement confusion and anger, inquiring into the source of the attack. Nameless confirmed the attack and lashed on bitterly one more time. Fed up, finished, and wounded in spirit, Clueless turned away and moved on with the day. Later that same day, Nameless would accost Clueless one more time and the result was quite intense. Clueless went home full of agony and defeat. Feeling completely overwhelmed and unable to cope.

Clueless assured Nameless that the never-ending tantrums were quite intolerable and unacceptable and that they needed to resort to "professional only" conversations. Clueless sat stewing & seething with anger over these unprovoked  assaults.

Determined to "show Nameless", Clueless held all thoughts, feeling and ideas inward. Shutting out Nameless and therefor vindicating the stand taken. This position in their interactions continued silently for a few days until Nameless apologized to Clueless for being unkind. Then Nameless went on to ask if it would be okay to ask Clueless a question. Clueless conceded and allowed Nameless to continue. 

Nameless had questions about the Bible and knew that Clueless was an avid study of the Scriptures. Feeling chastised for losing focus on their integrity and their Christian duty to "love thy neighbor", Clueless warmed up to Nameless and helped Nameless understand the things asked and show where to find the answers in the Bible as well. Nameless was quite intrigued and very grateful for the insight and thanked Clueless with heartfelt gratitude.

This has, for now, ended the saga. We bid it farewell and pray for all the best to come for our unwitting players of the Verbal Bash/Emotional Crash.

 This is a true and concise accounting. It is based on real events and people. We are quite proud of our dear friends and thank them for their assistance in this blog. Even they are: "A Work In Progress".

Friday, August 24, 2012

Life Is Up In The Air

So sorry to those who are following or just checking in ever so often. There has been so much going on that my head has been spinning as if there were a whirlpool inside it. So much has been happening. So many issues to contend with. So many thoughts flying around. So many emotions. It has been impossible to sort it into something coherent and to decide where I would even begin.

I do so want to share these latest events but it will have to wait a bit longer. I am currently ill from all the dust stirred up by my latest move to the apartment next door, add to that the increased exposure to cleaning supplies and mix those with's a bad combination. Mix it with MY SUPER SENSITIVE ASTHMA and it's virtually lethal. But more about that in a later post.

Just to give you a taste of what's to come:

1. Another "Verbal Bash/Emotional Crash"

2. Forgiveness In a Mother/Daughter Relationship

3. Moving Mania

Thanks for checking in. I promise not to put off these blog posts for too much longer. I just need time to settle in and recover my health.

Love you all!

Corrina L. Hunter

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Verbal Bash/Emotional Crash

I was made privy to an incident where folks clashed with one another. Both parties were clearly agitated. The irony was that they both suffered the same ailment...frustration, fatigue, confusion and chaos. The interesting part is how they handled themselves. The frustrated party, Nameless, had been pushed by circumstances beyond their limit and was completely devoid of all tolerance. The naive party, Clueless, made a reply to something Nameless had said and Nameless unleashed on Clueless. This left Clueless not only more clueless but aggravated, angry and hostile. Fed up and put out joined the exchange adding a new level of heat to the words that passed. 

Now, we must give credit where due. Clueless was shockingly able to stifle further heated replies while Nameless lashed on. Clueless' refusal for rebuttal stifled the potential explosion. However, this sparked an inner chain-reaction in Clueless. Clueless harbored anger and resentment and inwardly schemed to "get even" on this one; So far as to planning just how this silent retaliation would subtly play. The two kept their further words inside themselves allowing the air to settle a bit. 

After a brief separation to alternate areas of involvement the two came together once again. No words were spoken. Not a remark was shared. This lasted for a significant time. Eventually, as many disagreements go, Clueless finally approached Nameless about "why?"  the issue. Nameless had obviously been tense, awaiting a rebuke, because Nameless' shoulders dropped significantly and a big breath or ?relief? was expelled. Nameless did not justify their actions nor did they make excuses for them. Instead, Nameless conceded that their was error on their part and offered a very reasonable explanation for what had caused the dispute. To that end, Clueless "got a clue" and accepted the reply with dignity and respect. Seeing no need to extract the previously expected "apology for the earlier in-justification".

The result, both parties were relieved, relaxed and emotionally crashed. Happy to have the air cleared they were able to pursue the rest of their explorations in peace and harmony. This is a true and concise accounting. It is based on real events and people. You do not, however, have the slightest idea who the players are nor their specific parts in this event. That is OK. As Clueless learned here, you don't have to "know" something to accept it and move on. 

We are quite proud of our dear friends and thank them for their assistance in this blog. Even they are: "A Work In Progress".