Sunday, July 29, 2012

Facing the Challenge~~Getting Coherent

I am going to take immediate action on the advice of my Social Networking sister Trisha. She says I need to/must have organization to my blog. I agree with her but was anxious to get started. Now it is time to get a theme or pattern going so that readers know what to expect, if & when to look forward to the next post and so on...

Those who know me well realize that this is not an overnight sensation for me. I have a limited attention span, think spontaneously about a myriad of different subjects and rarely slow down mentally. That being said: It's time to put my "responsible girl pants on" and get focused. I'm smiling at this as it will be rather interesting and most likely amusing from my standpoint as I will be the main one (and hopefully the only one) to know how hectic that is going to be. :D (minus friends, family and coworkers)

The next challenge will be narrowing down and categorizing my subject matter, setting a schedule for each area and selecting the appropriate information for each area. I am insightful in a number of areas but would like to select the situations that will best meet the interest and needs of those who read. I desire to have an impact on others. A source of hopefulness and encouragement with lessons, experiences and anecdotes. Words that will amuse, please, that pull at your heartstrings, that make your heart swell, provide peace of mind. There is little I prefer more than offering comfort to others and joy to their spirits. If you feel that you know me well enough to offer suggestions for content subjects please don't hesitate to share it with me.

Subject matter is looking to be along the lines of:
1. Friends & Family~Relationships
2. Health & Beauty~Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social & Inner/Outer Beauty
3. Communication~How & What Types
4. Memories~Right, Wrong & Otherwise


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Automotive Ailments & "Used to Coulds"

Years ago, a very loving friend taught a single, poverty level mother how to work on her own car. She was able to master changing the oil, replacing brakes, master cylinders, alternators, voltage regulators, spark plugs, brake lines, CV joints, radiators, adjusting carburetors (the things that fuel injectors replaced)...a few other minor repairs. She learned these things to preserve what precious little income she had. 

With great sorrow, this is a lost ability now. Health and modern mechanics, the new computer chips, and other circumstances no longer allow her to do these things. Things that once brought great joy and a sense of pride, of accomplishment. These things have not, however, hampered her ability to discern certain symptoms common to automobiles. The latest of these issues is the ALTERNATOR. Vile and vicious situation when they no longer work properly and the brushes wear down. 

Another issue is the fact that modern vehicles MUST be connected to a computerized machine and have diagnostics run on them to help determine many mechanical issues. So much for the "shade tree". It's off to a garage attached to a business, which in turn, is attached to $$$ per hour for labor alone. Parts are another issue entirely. The prices these days for the simplest parts are astronomical. Major parts are... I can't say it. It's painful, scary, heart-wrenching, and budget blasting.

I must apologize to my readers, this entry today is merely a collection of thoughts and woes. I just had to get these things out of my head, said and done with. There was a time in my life when this would not have been any concern at all for the parts were much more affordable back then and the labor cost little more than a jug of tea, a pot of coffee and a good home cooked meal. 

Herein lies the problem. I "used to could" do this for myself with a little help. "Used to could". :) Now, I must rely on professionals that come with fees beyond my capacity. (sighs) I will have to do a series of blogs enlightening you with the humorous antics involved with past automotive repairs.

Yes, I am that mom, and I am so grateful for what I have had and appreciative for what have now. 


Monday, July 23, 2012

Down Time

So, I was considering how people spend their "down time". In all honesty, I 'm not sure we actually experience that these days. In my so-called down time I am actually doing something. I look over my FB pages, I play the app games, I read what others post. I research information for my blog on Fashionista Fun by SensaFashion. This means looking over pics and pinning them to my Pinterest Board. I also work on the writing part. NOW, here I am posting for my own personal blog. At other times I look over text messages.

What actually is "down time"? Merriam Webster defines it as: Definition of Downtime
: time during which production is stopped especially during setup for an operation or when making repairs
: inactive time (as between periods of work) <napping during our downtime> <an injured athlete facing months of downtime>
This "downtime" was once considered a part of one's daily activities. Now, it is a long, lost, luxury that few know how to appreciate or utilize. I rarely see an individual who isn't using a cell phone, mp3 player, ipad, itouch, kindle, netbook, computer, bluetooth or any one of the numerous other devices available in these, our times of "technology".

Okay, so we know what downtime is, how it is consumed, but what about how it USED to be spent? I recall sitting on a porch swing, a yard swing, a glider, or on lawn chairs outdoors, visiting with family as we swung our feet or swayed. There was mutual sharing of verbal communication. Talking. CONVERSATIONS. One person spoke, the others listened, folks took turns responding to the first statement. Histories were shared, stories told, sun tea and lemonade sipped. Kids laughed and played around the yard. (pardon me, I cannot see for the moistness brought up by these memories) You had near on 3-4 generations there. All gathered together just because you liked being with one another. 

This is probably a lost art, this ability for "downtime". The marvelous lack of better things to do. Now, I have said my peace. I think I will actually go do "nothing" and enjoy a little "downtime". 

Thanks for reading, listening, caring.



Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Work In Progress

Well, as some of you may already know, I am new to  this blogging era. Here is my first piece of work, in progress. I would like to produce a magnificent article that wow's and energizes you, one that has you wanting to check back in to see what's next. This probably won't happen, but that's okay, I got you to at least take a look at this one. 

I really have my youngest sister, Trisha Trixie to thank for this marvelous expedition into the www. She has shown  faith in my abilities from a technological standpoint since she first ventured out into her own company online. 

It is from this experience, her hiring me to do her content editing, that I have developed a love and interest into the tech world. I was recently recruited to provide content to her blog:

That was all it took. A few blog posts later had me wanting to create and fortify my own personal blog as well. So, with a little mixing of the minds between Trisha and me, I am on my way. :)

Please be sure to add your comments, good/bad/or otherwise. I always appreciate input and constructive criticism that is not harsh.

Remember though, this is 
